Simply the best:
         the flavour of grain, the golden colour of the sun and perfect resistance in cooking, with more than 100 shapes designs to provide the maximum in taste for the most discerning consumers. Today, under the guidance of the Colussi family, Agnesi expresses the same values that have made them famous throughout the world.
        Agnesi takes on a journey throughout the Italian culinary art with a selection of shapes made to interpret the Italian tradition in your first course.

Agnesi Long Shape Pasta

        Agnesi Long Shape Pasta is the most classical pasta, because long shape is the most traditional shape of pasta. From which Agnesi started selecting pasta and making genuine Italian cuisine.
        Agnesi Capellini n.1, Capellini literally means thin hair, whose diameter is between 0.85mm and 0.92mm. This pasta thin shape is inspired by angel¡¯s hair. It is very suitbable to make soup and pair with seafood sauce.
        Agnesi Spaghetti is the most traditional pasta shape which is originated from south of Italy. It is reported that spaghetti is the first and the best pasta shape people ever invented. Agnesi Spaghetti is suitable to serve with sauce made of garlic and olive oil or meat.
¡ø about pasta sauce>>>
        Agnesi Bucatini n.6, bacatini literally means a penetration hole. Agnesi Bucatini has a shape of long tubular which can capture soup like a straw. Agnesi Bucatini suitably pairs with sauce made of butter or with bacomn, vegetable,cheese,eggs and small fish such as anchovies , sardines.
        Agnesi Bavette n.9 is an extented shape of Agnesi Spaghetti. The flat shape and sleek side endow Agnesi Bavette with ability to enhance flavor. This pasta is suitably served with vegetable, fish or with sauce made of basil and olive oil, it can simply create a perfect Mediterranean cuisine.

Agnesi Short Shape Pasta
        Agnesi Short Shape Pasta has been the spotlight star on dining table because of its lovely shape and varied styles. Agnesi Short Shape Pasta with varied kinds, strict classification, chic shape and unique taste can be regarded as an art.
        Agnesi Penne Rigate n.19 has the reputation of ¡°Italian Pen¡± which due to its point-shaped end, their lines have an ideal element able to capture any type of sauce. This perfect blending nature makes it become the basis of Italian dish. It is perfect with any type of sauce, from the antique recips belonging to Italian cuisine made with tomatoes, garlic, oil and hot red peppers, or regalla Bolognese, made with ground meat, onions, celery, carrots and tomatoes.

        Agnesi Chifferi Rigati n.50, inspired by mini tabacco pipe, is slightly spiral, hollow and has a lovely shape. Try it with fresh cream sauce or make it a soup pasta.
        Agnesi Gnocchi n.54 is the most common pasta shape which is inspired by shell. Due to the special shape, it can capture a great amount of sauce. Agnesi suggests pairing with Tomato Sauce, Pesto Sauce made of basil and olive oil or Cream Sauce made of butter and cheese.
¡ø about pasta healthy>>>
        Agnesi Casarecce n.58 is rolled pasta and suitably pairs with sauce of rich flavor, such as meat paste, chili sauce, pesto sauce.
        Agnesi Farfalle n.61, dated back to the sixteenth century and originated in Northern Italy 's Lombardy and Emilia ¨C Romagna. This pasta is one of most popular cuisines. Try it with sauce made of tomato and cream or vegetable.
        Agnesi Fusilli n.78, originated from the year of 1550, is rolled in shape which enables to be embraced by sauce. It is very suitable to be served with salad. It is extremely versatile allowing a large number of combinations.
        Agnesi Cellentani n.93 with a subtle curl twist shape is very cute and also toothsome. It brings out a natural flavor when being fried with sauce.
        Agnesi Penne Ricce, is a pasta of rolled and hollow shape, similar with Agnesi Penne Rigate n.19, while it is cuter.
        Agnesi Eliche Tricolori n.656 contains three colors of pasta which are red, green and yellow. The red pasta is added with tomato powder, green pasta with spinach powder while yellow pasta is made of wheat. It is suitable to pair with any sauce and adds colors to your dining table
Agnesi Mini Pasta
      Agnesi Mini Pasta with a relatively soft texture and small shape is more suitable for children and the eldly. This pasta is universally used to pair with soup, porridge and beverage such as milk, juice and sesame paste. The mini pasta Is suggested not to fry excessively due to its small shape and soft texture. Agnesi provides you with four most common kinds of pasta: Agnesi Ditali Rigati#36£¬Agnesi Chifferini Rigati#38, Agnesi Conchigliette#40, Agnesi Stelline #73. Serving Agnesi mini pasta, your children will love every meal time.
Agnesi Special Baking-shape Pasta
      Agnesi Special Baking-shape Pasta especially pays attention to production method. It requires a particular technical demanding in cooking due to its baking shape. It is a necessity in the western courses because it can make a variety of traditional and tasty italian cuisines. Agnesi Lasagne captures sauce within layer by layer. It tastes like Melaleuca cream after high-temperature baking. The shape of Agnesi Cannelloni Is like a chimney,into which groove sauce can stuff. It is recommanded to stuff mixture of meat,cheese and vegetable after baking then serve with potato sauce.
Agnesi Wholewheat Pasta
      Agnesi Wholewheat Pasta comes out from the processed unhulled coarse durum wheat . Agnesi which has a unique flavour along with a characteristic brownish colour issues from its richness in fibres. Agnesi provides you with 100% wholewheat pasta which is rich in soluble dietary fiber (per 100g pasta provides up to 28% of human daily dietary fiber) and nutrients due to its exclusive milling technique and processing method. The wholewheat pasta with genuine pasta taste and al dente texture can pair with any sauce, especially suitable for people who take coarse grains as meal and want to keep fit.
      51% of dietary fiber of Agnesi Wholewheat Pasta comes from durum wheat¡¯s crust whose cellulose and nutrients are often ignored by people. As it is reported that the cellulose and nutrients from crust have a benifical effect on diabetes and hypertension patients, because they bring sense of satiety and keep your digestive system healthy, meanwhile, they help control the blood sugar and remove toxins and junk from belly, therefore improve health.
Agnesi Pasta with Durum Wheat Germ
      Only from the expertise of AGNESI, the most precious core of durum wheat in a unique pasta characterized by the sweet taste of durum wheat.
      What is the germ? Durum wheat germe makes up only 2% of the grain and is rich of vitamins, proteins and fibres
      Recognizing quality. The real pasta connoisseur will identify in Pasta Gemma those features that prove its quality:
             ¨BDark intrusion, visible to the human eye, caused by the natural coloring of the germ
             ¨BWhite intrusions, natural consequence of the blending process between germ and semolina
             ¨BLight green coloring of cooking water, caused by those natural pigments held by the germ itself.
      Cooking Suggestion. In order to fully appreciate Pasta Gemma¡¯s exclusive taste, we suggest a light condiment consisting of oil and grated Parmigiano cheese.
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